Top 10 dos jogadores que jogaram mais jogos pelo Benfica
Vestiram inúmeras vezes o Manto Sagrado, sendo quase uma segunda pele. Ao peito carregaram o símbolo e dignificaram-no durante épocas a fio. Nené, com 598 jogos, lidera o grupo que mais vezes entrou em campo difundido a mística de um clube que tem adeptos em todo o mundo.
Top 10 players who have played the most matches for Benfica
They wore the Sacred Mantle countless times, almost like a second skin. They carried the symbol on their chests and honored it for seasons on end. Nené, with 598 appearances, leads the group that has taken to the field the most times, passing on the mystique of a Club that has fans all over the world.
Product Details:
Edition Size: Timed-Edition
Delivery Estimate: February-March
Officially Licensed: SL Benfica
Dimensions: A2 (42.0 x 59.4cm)
Printing Details: Fine Art Giclee Print
Paper Details: PC White 270 Fine Art Paper
Printer: Coolective Pigment
Hand-numbered: Yes
About The Artist:
Sam has been drawing for as long as he can remember, and illustrating professionally for nearly two decades. His distinctive painterly illustrations, which often feature portraits, have been featured everywhere from billboards, to comics, books and magazines, licensed prints, exhibitions, movie packaging, TV and film, and plenty more.
Sam’s Portfolio :
Sam’s Instagram: samgilbey