
About Us

Historiart uses contemporary illustration to innovate how folks of all ages and backgrounds engage with our world.

Our Concept

We collaborate with the cultural sector and passionate artists to create unique, well-researched, thoughtfully designed works inspired by history, heritage, culture, and nature.

Made for history buffs, travel obsessives, art enthusiasts, and the generally curious, our works are sold on our website, in museum gift shops, and at special events. Proceeds from each sale are donated to our partners and support our initiatives.

Our Mission

Historiart believes in the power of cultural institutions to preserve and diffuse history, bring communities together, and advocate for a better world. 

Historiart’s mission is to reinvigorate the cultural sector by innovating ways to engage a wide audience, focus on underrepresented history, and improve accessibility and equity across the board.

Our Initiatives


Advocate for a More Equitable Cultural Sector

Historiart will champion issues related to equity in the cultural sector, including the accessibility of cultural experiences and sustainable tourism practices.


Strive for Sustainability

Historiart will center sustainability in our operations and will look to create projects that highlight environmental issues and support environmental organizations.


Donate to Heritage Organizations

Historiart will donate 5% of each sale (pre-tax) to global heritage non-profit organizations.


Support Artists

Historiart will support artists through various programs and scholarship opportunities.


Focus on Underrepresented History

Historiart will allocate our resources to projects that are based on underrepresented history in support of the organizations dedicated to preserving it.


Ensure Representation

Historiart will collaborate with folks who are representative of the subject of the artwork.

Our Partners

Make History With Us

We are always looking for folks to collaborate with.

Send us a message, and we will reply as soon as possible.

For cultural institutions or heritage non-profits that want to learn about partnering with us:


For artists and illustrators who would like to collaborate with us, send your portfolio here:


For historians and researchers who would like to assist us, send your portfolio here:


For general inquiries, please email us at Inquiries@historiart.com

For wholesale opportunities, please email us at wholesale@historiart.com